Today marks 37 turns around the sun for me. And, more importantly, today is the publication date for Exertions of Better Men!
I use the following quote in the book from Mark Twain: The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.
I love this quote for several reasons. The first is the way that it emphasizes the power and importance of birth--which I firmly believe to be one of the most sacred things that happens in the entire cosmos.
But the second is that finding one's why is a truly critical component to growth and development. I have been fortunate to find my why many times over.
For example, I learned over a decade ago now that my primary and forever why was to be a wife to Michael and a mom to Aurora and Nicolai.
For a time, my why was to teach, but not a forever why like being a wife and mom. That brought me to a career in business intelligence which is one of my current whys--though likely also not a forever one.
And today I get to add another why which is authoring and publishing a work I am quite proud of and that I hope is just the first of several.
If you haven't found your why yet, don't lose hope because I promise you there are many of them out there for you. And each time you find a new one, it feels a bit like life is beginning all over again.